I believe in curiosity, in diving
into others, into the dissimilar and deep into myself. I am a seeker.
I have the compulsion to
try and connect with something just out of reach - like trying to catch a
tiger, a search for something that constantly eludes me, searching for
something I refuse to let go of.
I want to taste the
deeper currents of existence, an occasional privilege. Gobble gobble.
The body is the framework for all
our bodies; the outer body is the frame for the organic body.
The physical body is a window into our interiors
where there are involutions and evolutions like Nature, like temperature and
rainfall and fire, clouds and sun.
We are like the Big Island of Hawaii where nine of
the world’s eleven climate zones exist on one island. Our body is like a mass of climate zones.
We have fiery
brains, warm and cold hearts, warm and cold hands and sometimes cold feet.
We express these manifold interior bodies in our
skeletons and through our skin.
We extend through our hand gestures and the set of
our mouths as much as the words we voice, text, and think.
Our handshakes and hugs are the intersections of
our emotional body, mental body, intellectual body and body in space.
The world wobbles: it spins on an axis that is
moving and long ago scientists noted that this axis also wobbles.
Scientists believe that tectonic plates of the
earth's crust drift around the globe like, for instance, the Pacific plate that
is the Hawaiian Islands.
The islands are like a gigantic raft and have been
in the process of creation and dissolution for about twenty million years.
Kaua'i has moved 350 miles since it was born and now is less than half of its
original size.
Some day like other islands, Hawaii will have moved
on. We do not know where it will sit eventually.
If Hawaii, why not us? What do we know about where
anything will be eventually?
We wobble. We move around and the world moves
around us. The word ‘forever’ is the miracle of gliding on and being reborn.