Thursday, March 25, 2010

Spring Equinox

A time to rebalance now that we've had a day of equal light and dark – the Spring equinox having just occurred – days lengthen as the Sun (my ruling ‘planet’) rises to its zenith. The sun is truly a star giving light and warmth and the impetus for growth – seen and unseen.
Reading ‘My Father’s Paradise’ by Ariel Sabar. It is a remarkable telling of his family's roots - 2700 years - in a remote corner of the world - an enclave of Jews in Kurdish Iraq who still spoke Aramaic.
Watching “The Stoning of Saroya M” – a powerful Iranian film
Listening to Sade and Andras Schiff.
Seeing the Wooster Street production of North Atlantic and The Bridgeman Packer Dance Troupe at the Barishnikov Art Center.
